Welcome to...

The wonderful babyfur art of Stargal Galexi!


 Looks like you found my art page! Wonderful! Use the hamborgar in the top left corner to browse the website! If you are feeling extra stinky, please share this link with your friends who are just as stinky: Stinky Link. As of right now, I am no longer taking commissions until my line is reduced, thank you for your understanding. However... I am pleased to inform you that I have been working on some very fun projects, so I hope to reveal them sometime in the future. If you want to keep up with minute by minute updates on all of the projects I am working on, you should really subscribe to my telegram channel: Here -or- subscribe to my Fur Affinity page: Here

If you like my work and would like to contribute, consider sending me a tip: send a tip! This website does not have a paywall, so your support helps with hosting this website for as long as I am able to :3


Tablet Death

Date: May, 13th, 2024

It is with a heavy heart, that I must inform you that my wacom mobile studio pro, has died. I have had repair experts look at the device, and it was deemed upsavable. This means that for the current moment, I am unable to complete any commissions. Thankfully since I only request money after art pieces are completed, I do not owe anyone any refunds; however, I am sure this disapoints a lot of people who were waiting very patiently in line. I am not asking for money, but all of you who have given me money, said money is being set aside and will continue to be used for this website's hosting as per my previous news letter. Its the only thing I think that deserves "donations" seeing that I don't hide any of my art under a subscribestar/patreon paywall or anything like that. Thank you everyone for your support.

Was the tablet expensive? Yes. Can I afford another one? No, not at this time. So it will be a while before I am back up and running. Hopefully with my recent work hours, I will be able to afford a new tablet realitively soon and be back in the game before too long.

Website Hosting and Domain Renewal

Date: April, 25th, 2024

Keeping this website up isn't free. So if you like my content and want to help contribute to my artist expenses, consider sending me a tip: SEND A TIP!!!

I will continue to post all of my art on this website, which doesn't have a paywall, but as a part time artist working to become full time, your support goes an extremely long way. This will be the one time out of the year I will "beg for money" as I absolutely don't like asking for it. All the money I earn through art, I save for art related expenses like buying new pens for my drawing tablet and website hosting; so from all the wonderful commissions this year, I have hosting covered and then some. But I still would like to get a good printer sometime soon so I can possibly do fun printable things like badges. Thank you everyone in advance who have supported my art this year!

Work Sucks, I know...

Date: April, 17th, 2024

 Work is brutal. I am being given more hours as more employees quit. It means less time for art unfortunetly. Hopefully things will get better in the next coming days.

Akira Toriyama

Date: March, 9th, 2024

 Akira Toriyama was an extremely important artist to me. He was one of the artists I did a deep study of, and he had helped me develop my own style. He will be sorely missed.


Date: March, 1st, 2024

 HEY! Do you have telegram? Wanna talk about diapered ponies? OF COURSE YOU DO: Here

Telegram Channel?

Date: Jan, 10th, 2024

 HEY! Do you have telegram? Wanna see my art in an easy to update channel? OF COURSE YOU DO: Here

Happy New Years!

Date: Jan, 1st, 2024

 Happy New Years! Except for everyone who is currently browsing this website from North Carolina. Unfortunetly for you, you have to leave. I don't make the rules, your state did. If you choose to stay, you could get us both in a lot of trouble, so lets not make this difficult okay?

For people curious on the matter, check out what NC did to their internet: Here

New Website

Date: Dec, 23rd, 2023

 The website is now OFFICIALLY open! Please pardon our dust while we still work on the website. Also, I am still open for commissions! But I will be making sure I post availability on the website and try to keep that updated as much as possible.